

2004.12.22 David 的第一個問候

Dear Friends,

I'm pleased to announce the launch of the very first David Tao official website. After years of never having an official website, I've decided to take matters into my own hands and create this online home for my friends and fans.

In addition to news and information about me, I hope this website will also serve as an exchange for our ideas, feelings, stories and, of course, the arts. I will be personally involved with davidtao.com so you can be sure there will be an abundance of genuine and meaningful interaction. Throughout the year, we will also be planning events (and a few surprises!) for our members so be sure to register and visit our site regularly.

Over the next few months, we will be adding and improving upon the interface and layout of this website so please stay tuned. If you have any comments or suggestions don't hesitate to let us know.

I hope to see all of you here and around the world. This will be a very exciting year for all of us at davidtao.com!

David Tao 2004,12,22



這個網站除了有我的相關新聞與訊息之外,我希望這裡也可以作為想法、情感、故事、當然還有藝術作品的交流園地。我將親自管理davidtao.com, 相信你在這裡會有許多真誠且充滿意義的互動。未來的一整年,我們將為會員設計許多活動(還有一些意想不到的驚喜!),所以你務必要註冊登錄為會員,並得常常上來逛一逛。


我希望在這裡甚至世界各地都可以看到你們每個人。這將會是令人雀躍十分的一年,一切盡在davidtao.com !



2004.12.30 專輯與網站

12/30/04 Shanghai at around 5 degrees Celsius

This journal arrives a bit late due to the fact that I have been trying to find some time to actually sit down and put my thoughts and feelings down in writing. The past two weeks have been stressful, physically demanding and emotionally draining though I know somewhere within lies a joy and enlightenment that will in time reveal itself.

As you may have guessed, the two main things which I have been occupied with these past two weeks have been the production of the new album and the launch of the Davidtao.com website. On that note, I would like to first thank all my friends, fans and visitors worldwide for your support and for visiting our site. Your response has been overwhelming and your feedback has been both informative and extremely precious to us. The response has far exceeded what we had initially expected and inspires us to upgrade and expand our content and interface. Again, I encourage all of you to visit the site frequently as we are constantly adding new exclusive content and responding to your requests and suggestions. Also, in planning is my first chat room appearance, which will allow us to interact online. Over the next few weeks you will also be able to view, listen and download exclusive content regarding the new album. There will be interviews, photos and video clips documenting the production and recording process.

Something I have wanted to do since the launch of the website is to express my gratitude and respect to the people who created the website. I may have spearheaded the initiation of the site but all the accolade and credit deserves to go to the production teams who planned and designed everything. I would like to thank the marketing and development team which includes Joanna and Mitch who spent countless hours drafting and researching how to make a site that would be not only represent David Tao but also be interesting and different than other sites. My sincere gratitude and admiration also go to Jim, Michael, Mei and their team of web designers and programmers for their brilliance, passion and dedication. They are responsible for the designs, concepts, and which allowed the site to break away from the traditional and emerge as something more organic and human. This entire team spent weeks and months continuously changing and polishing their creations till they were everybody was completely satisfied. I would also like to thank 黃中平 for once again taking time out of his busy schedule to shoot all the exclusive photos we have on the site. Without his talent and passion, all you would see is a tired, 熊貓眼圈的我!

The past two weeks have been extremely hectic and stressful as I was in the final stages of production. That usually is the most compacted and demanding part of my music production, I feel, though I am sure some will disagree. For some reason, I always run out of time or the time that was initially allocated ends up not being enough, as everything always takes longer than estimated. The last two weeks were the most grueling as I simultaneously sang and mixed the majority of the songs. Considering the time I spent on songwriting and arranging ( approximately half a year ), two weeks is very minimal for both singing and mixing of an album. For some reason, however, this is how it always ends up being. Perhaps it is this urgency that forces me to not think too much about things making me rely more on my instincts and feelings. My time was divided between two studios with mixing in one and singing and editing in another. My day started usually at around 11am and ended around 4am. What made things difficult was that sleeping late often made my voice quite tired and groggy. Often, I would go about the day not using my voice relying on hand gestures to communicate with Andrew ( my Production Manager ) and other colleagues so as to avoid talking. It was quite comical and frustrating at times, as they would constantly misunderstand what I was trying to say which would drive me crazy which would then force me to talk.

Adding to that workload and stress were also 'interruptions' in the schedule such as shooting a music video, meetings and other non-album related jobs. Of course, these were all very crucial and necessary items though during the most hectic critical period of production they were extremely frustrating and disrupting. You have to switch from one mindset to another and then back the very next day.

The good news, however, is that the album is finally finished! As we speak, the album is now entering its final design and manufacturing process and in a matter of weeks the brand new 4th album will be in your hands. Of course, there is still much work to do though having completed the album is a big weight off my shoulders.

The making of this album has again been an emotional roller coaster ride for many of the people and myself. I will be sharing mine and they will be sharing their experiences regarding the production and development of this album with all of you over the next few weeks.

On a more serious note, I ask that all of our members and those of you visiting our site to please say a prayer for those hurt by the recent tragic tsunami disaster caused by the earthquake in the Indian Ocean. This may be a time of celebration as the New Year rolls in but for many in Asia it is a time of grief, sadness and tragedy. Please say a prayer for those victims and if possible donate some of your time, money and awareness to help those in need during this time.






在網站開站之後,有一件事是我一直想做的,那就是對創造這個網站的工作人員表達感謝與敬意。我也許帶頭發想了這個網站,但是所有的讚譽與功勞應該歸屬於企劃設計這個網站的工作團隊。我要感謝行銷與發展團隊,包括Joanna與Mitch,他們花了許多時間擬定、研究如何讓這個網站不只是呈現出「陶David Tao」而已,還可以有許多有趣、不同於其他網站的內容。我也對Jim、Michael、Mei及其網頁程式設計團隊的傑出才能、熱情與付出致上我的誠摯感佩。他們要負責創意設計與概念,讓整個網站可以有別於傳統網頁,展現出更為有機、人性的特質。這整個團隊花了好幾個月的時間,不斷改變、調整他們的創意,直到所有人都覺得滿意為止。我也要感謝黃中平大哥在百忙之中,再次抽空為我們拍攝了網站的獨家照片。沒有他的才華與熱情,你們看到的就會是一個疲憊、熊貓眼圈的我!







2005.01.05 飛往香港的飛機上

1/5/05 somewhere in the air aboard a flight to HK

This past week has been spent in subzero temperatures in two wonderful cities: Beijing and Shanghai. These two cities hold significant importance to Chinese people but also to me as some of my family members were born there.

The cold harsh winter was beautiful but left marks on all of us who visited it. My hands are extremely dry and I developed some rashes on the back of my hands from exposure to the cold air in spite of wearing thick gloves. I spent about a week combined in Shanghai and Beijing and it was a very productive, exhausting yet rewarding trip as always. We caught the first day of snow in over ten years in Shanghai and that was quite a sight to see. Shanghai is already very picturesque and a beautiful city but seeing it covered in white snow stirred a lot of emotions within me.

We shot four music videos during this trip, which was extremely demanding on the directors, their film crews as well as on all of us. Shooting in subzero temperatures can pose difficulties on your body as well as your emotional state. Having done Lasik eye surgery not too long ago, my eyes were quite prone to dryness and irritation caused by the freezing air outside, the heaters inside and the sun. Everybody was dressed in their warmest and most protective clothing wearing gloves, scarves and earmuffs. Of course, I had warm clothing on as well but once the director called out, “Roll…Go!” I had to take off my thick jacket to reveal whatever clothing and wardrobe I was wearing underneath. Thankfully, my wardrobe wasn't yet from the spring collection but some of it was thin considering how cold it was. It may be winter but nobody wants to look like a big bloated bear running around on camera!

I shouldn't complain because the female models, musicians and actresses who I had the pleasure of working with often wore much less than me and I'm sure they were freezing just as well. Again, once the director rolled camera everybody gave their warmest smile and best performance as if it wasn't minus 10 degrees.

Taipei, this week, has become quite cold as well and I hope all of you are keeping warm and staying dry from the occasional drizzle. My friends, whatever city you're in now please take care and don't forget to keep the families and victims of the tsunami disaster in your prayers.


2005年1月5日 飛往香港的飛機上

過去的這個禮拜,我待在兩個零下而美好城市裡 - 北京與上海。這兩座城市對中國人具有重要的象徵意義,對我來說也是如此,因為我有些親戚就是在這裡出生的。 嚴冬雖美,卻也在我們這群訪客身上留下記痕。我的手超乾的,儘管有戴手套,我的手背依然因為寒冷的氣候而出現了紅疹。我在北京跟上海大約停留了一個禮拜的時間;一如往昔的,這是一趟有效率、耗體力卻也價值非凡的行程。我們趕上了上海十年來的第一場雪,那是個十分迷人的景致。上海原本就是一個別具一格、美侖美奐的城市,當我看到它覆蓋在皚皚白雪中,諸多遐思湧上心頭。 這趟上海北京行我們總共拍了四支音樂錄影帶,對導演、拍攝小組與我們所有人來說,這都是非常吃力的工作量。在零下的氣溫中拍攝,不管對於肢體或者情緒狀態都有相當的難度。不久之前,我的眼睛才動了雷射手術,室外的低溫、室內的暖氣與陽光都會讓我的眼睛變得容易乾澀而不舒服。每個人穿上了最保暖的禦寒衣物,戴上了手套、圍巾跟耳罩。當然囉,我也有保暖的衣服,可是只要導演喊一聲:「預備...走!」我就得脫掉我的薄外套,全身只穿著造型戲服。幸好我的戲服並不是春裝,但是在那麼冷的氣候裡,它還是顯得很單薄。雖然正值寒冬,我想沒有人會讓自己腫得像隻大狗熊在攝影機前跑來跑去哩。 我其實不應該抱怨的,因為這次與我合作甚歡的女模特兒、樂手與女演員們通常都比我穿得更少,我想他們一定也都凍僵了。不過沒有例外的,只要導演打開攝影機,所有人就得展現最溫暖的微笑與最完美的表演就像不是身處零下10度一般。 台北這個禮拜也變得很冷,我希望每個人都要注意保暖自己的身子,不要被時有時無的細雨淋溼了。我的朋友們,不論你現在身處何處,請務必保重同時記得為南亞海嘯的罹難者與他們的家人禱告。


2005.01.10 回台北家中

1/10/05 3:50pm Taipei home

There's so much to reflect upon this week. After returning back to Taipei, I've been busy still shooting more music videos. In this day and age, music videos have become a very important product not only for the music lover but also for the record company who now consider it part of the main product line. It helps "sell" the song and artist but, for me, its importance is in presenting a visual explanation of the lyrics and concept of the song. Honestly, the making of a music video is probably one of the least enjoyable parts of being an artist because oftentimes there are so many compromises and things I cannot control. I've considered directing my own music video before but I would save that opportunity till I'm totally ready and prepared rather than seem like a dilettante dabbling in things amateurishly. There has been some discussion in the forums about the title of the album (The Great Leap) as well as the first single, "Ghost", which some of you may have already heard. The main point I would like to address is the album and single's concept and the controversy that is now beginning to grow. Many of you have been guessing why we came up with "The Great Leap 太平盛世 ?"? as the album's title and one person even commented why I hadn't "learned a lesson" and still continue to write songs that may be sensitive or controversial. To answer your queries, it's simply because I care about these issues that I write about and they are a part of my life and being. What else should I write about then? Should I not write about certain topics even though I feel strongly towards them just because it’s dangerous or taboo? I don't write about things to stir controversy but to ask questions and to stimulate discussion and thought amongst the people who listen to my music. Of course, I understand there are "consequences" but what's more important to me is to push for what I believe is right. This is my personal mission statement and philosophy. "The Great Leap " as an album and concept is sarcastic and paradoxical in many respects as many of you have already commented on. There is no correct or incorrect interpretation or understanding of what I'm trying to express because people will have their own feeling and viewpoint. That kind of diversity and difference in perspective is a good thing though as it's already generating a lot of interaction and discussion in our forums. I urge you to continuously ask questions in life in search of what the truth is and not just always blindly accept what’s handed to you. My record company, EMI Records(百代唱片) and I have been planning a trip in conjunction with some disaster relief groups to possibly visit the disaster areas caused by the tsunami. I'm hoping this trip can take place after Chinese New Year but it mainly depends on the disease, security and contamination situation in those afflicted areas. For now, we can only continue to send our love and prayers to those in need on the wings of angels. I have not had as much time as I'd like to read everything you've written in the forums. I do try to log on for at least 20 minutes each day to see what you've been talking about and sharing with each other. Again, I think to myself everyday how lucky I am to have such wonderful, caring, responsible and intelligent fans and supporters such as you in my life. I truly cherish 你們的用心? and how closely you follow my music, thoughts and feelings. I used to worry that my music and person would not be completely understood but after seeing all your comments, thoughts and interaction that concern has gone away. I only hope I can continue to make music from my heart without compromise that will not disappoint you. In less than two weeks, the new album will be out on shelves worldwide and I'm just as excited as many of you are about its release. See you all next week.


2005年1月10日 下午 3點50分 回台北家中

這個禮拜我想了有很多事情。回到台北之後,我還是在忙著拍更多的音樂錄影帶。當今的音樂錄影帶不只對愛樂者來說是一項重要的產品,唱片公司更把它視為公司生產線上的主要產品之一。它有助於「行銷」歌曲與藝人本身,但是對我來說,它的重要性乃在於可以藉由影像語言詮釋樂曲的詞意與概念。說實在的,身為一個藝人,拍音樂錄影帶對我來說是最無趣的,因為過程裡有太多的妥協與我無法掌控的事物。我以前曾經考慮要自己執導音樂錄影帶,但是在我尚未完全準備好之前,我還是先保留這個機會,我不想讓自己看起來像個只懂皮毛卻愛裝腔作勢的半調子。 在官網論壇上有一些關於新專輯名稱「太平盛世(The Great Leap)」與單曲 “鬼(Ghost)”的討論。我這裡主要想講的是關於專輯與單曲的概念與開始衍生的爭議。你們很多人都在臆測為何要把「太平盛世(The Great Leap)」當作專輯名稱,甚至有人說我為什麼還不「學乖(learn a lesson)」,仍然要寫出這些敏感而飽受爭議的歌曲?答案很簡單,因為作品裡牽涉的議題都是我關心的,而且它們也是我生活與存在的部份。不然我還要寫什麼呢?難道只要有危險或者是禁忌,我就不應該寫這些我有強烈興趣的主題嗎?我寫歌並非要挑起任何爭端,我只想問問題,我只想在我的聽眾間激發討論與思考。當然,我知道這會有一些「後遺症」,但是對我來說,更重要的是要去推動我認為是真確的信念。這是我個人的使命與人生觀。就像你們很多人所論說的一樣,「太平盛世(The Great Leap)」作為專輯名稱,其概念在很多面向都是諷刺且矛盾的。所有關於我想要傳遞的專輯主旨的體認與解讀,並無法被論斷為對或錯,因為每個人都可以有自己的感覺與觀點。就像在我們的論壇上所引發的許多互動與討論一樣,能有如此多元而歧異的看法可是美事一樁啊!我鼓勵大家在生命中不斷提問,探索什麼才是真理,而不要只是一味盲從。 我的唱片公司EMI跟我正在籌備一個行程,將與某些救災團體結合前往援助遭受南亞海嘯重創的災區。我希望這可以在農曆新年過後成行,但主要還是得視當地的疾病疫情、安全性與傳染狀況而定。目前,我們只能繼續藉由天使的雙翼將愛與祈福送給需要的人。 我希望有足夠的時間讓我可以閱讀你們在論壇的所有留言。我試著每天至少登入20分鐘看看你們彼此在談論或分享些什麼。再次的,我每天都會自覺我是個何等幸運的人啊!在我的生命裡可以擁有像你們這麼棒、這麼貼心、有責任感而聰明的歌迷與支持者。我真的十分珍惜你們的用心,你們願意如此貼近我的音樂、想法與感覺。我曾經擔心我的音樂與為人無法被完全了解,但在看過你們的留言、你們的想法與互動之後,這些憂慮便隨之煙消雲散了。我只希望我可以毫不妥協地繼續用我的心做出讓你們不會失望的音樂。 在不到兩個星期的時間,新專輯就要全球同步上市了,我跟你們許多人一樣對此備感興奮。所有人,我們下週再見。


