  1. We’re all cremated equal. Goodman Ace, 1899-1982, American humorist and comedian, quoted in the New Yorker, 1977 我们人人烧而平等。[烧:火葬]
  2. I bowl so slow that if after I have delivered the ball and don’t like the look of it, I can run after it and bring it back. J. M. Barrie, 1860-1937, Scottish novelist and dramatst 我投球投得太慢了。投出之后,要是不喜欢那球的样子,我就追上去,把它再抓回来。
  3. It’s a funny kind of month, October. For the really keen cricket fan it’s when you discover that your wife left you in May. Denis Norden, She, 1977 十月,是个好笑的月份。对于真正的板球迷来说,这时你才发现,你妻子五月份就离开了你。
  4. A kleptomaniac is a person who helps himself because he can’t help himself. Anon. 盗窃癖者就是一个情不自禁地自助的人
  5. I think crime pays. The hours are good, you travel a lot. Woody Allen, Take the Money and Run, screenplay, 1969 我觉得犯罪颇有益处。时光美妙,常在旅途。
  6. One way to make sure crime doesn’t pay would be to let the government run it. Ronald Reagan, 1911-2004, 40th President of the United States 要确保犯罪不被惩罚,有一个办法就是让政府来操作。罗纳德•里根,1911-2004,美国第40任总统
  7. A thick skin is a gift from God. Konrad Adenauer, 1976-1967(), German Chancellor 1949-63 皮厚是上帝赐予的礼物。
  8. People ask you for criticism, but they only want praise. Somerset Maugham, Of Human Bondage, 1915 人们让你批评,可他们想要的只是表扬。
  9. A critic is a gong at a railroad crossing clanging loudly and vainly as the train goes by. Christopher Morley, 1890-1957, American essayist and novelist批评家就是铁路交叉口的铜锣,火车驶过时“当~当~”地响,声大又白响。
  10. So many people want me to be apologetic, I’m beginning to refer to myself as Mayor Culpa. Ed koch, New York Mayor, 1978-89 那么多人想让我道歉,我开始称自己“错市长”了。